hi Amy, This is your page to edit on www.farmonthehill.co.uk. It's really easy to use, on the top bar above are a variety of icons that can be clicked and dragged onto the page and positioned whereever you would like them. If you click on the multimedia tab to the left at the top you will also find options to add slideshows or photo galleries etc. I've started you off below by dragging a multiple column layout and then a 'picture with paragraph' for you to write a little about yourself. Please feel free to delete these items if you would prefer the page layout to be different! :-) Please do not alter the 'design' of the page on the tabs right at the top as this will alter the design of the whole website! :-) When you've worked on the page click 'publish' on the top right hand corner, this will save your work. The page is hidden from view on the site at the moment, as soon as you are happy with your page i will unhide it and make it live. If you have any problems or questions just ask, i'll happily give you a hand. this paragraph can be deleted as soon as you want, just click on it near the top and then click the 'x' icon! :-) Thank you very much for adding your page to our site/i'm really looking forward to seeing it!:-) best wishes Alethea
Supporting Local Craft.... sell or advertise your craft for free through this website...
If you live local to Farm on the Hill in Prestwood, Staffordshire, and make things, then we would love to be able to help you to sell your wares or advertise your trade! :-) All you have to do is contact us, and we'll help you set up your page...its very simple. and Completely Free :D
Just pause a while and gaze on this hurrying stream of life, Where each tiny little runnel ebbs and flows. It's composed of many, countless human intellects and hearts, Flowing onward, never ceasing to their close.
Some passing on it's channels, leave good deeds by the way, Of kind and helpful actions to their friends. Making every little nook of their small, but peaceful brook, Of shining, glistening silver as it winds.
Others surge by tossing all from out their path, Caring nothing but for luxury and gain. Of the evil that they do, they wreck not not they rue, Leaving turgid, sullied current in their train.
Let us, in our small stretch, leave good deeds by the way: Filled with sunshine and with flowers of perfume rare. That on venturing forth at last, where out short life here is past, The great ocean opens his arms, we nestle there.
poem written by my Grandpa, Geoffrey Ball taken from his book : Rural Reminiscences
Bringing your own cutlery, crockery, even food can sometimes be difficult for campers, especially if travelling a long way by public transport or on foot. We like to make things as perfect as possible for you so we came up with the following!: Cutlery and Crockery Hire - £1/person /visit Essentials Hamper bread, milk, tea coffee